Environment. Climate Change. Environmental Education.Abstract
The environmental issues affecting the globe have been intensifying since the Industrial Revolution, which began in 1789, at the end of the 18th century. Technological development enabled humans to expand their capacity for exploration and extraction of natural resources, resulting in the concentration of wealth in the hands of a small group of international organizations, with the complicity of the most developed nations. The consequences of this predatory development model are evident: global warming, uncontrolled population growth, environmental degradation, and an exponential increase in poverty in various regions. This study, through a bibliographic review, seeks to identify trends and assess the possible consequences of this scenario for the lives of citizens on planet Earth. The focus is to suggest mitigating actions that can curb environmental devastation and ensure a more sustainable future, preserving human life on what was once known as the "blue planet," but which, in recent decades, has been marked by the spread of gray areas due to wildfires and increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. The drastic reduction in biodiversity, with the extinction of numerous species of fauna and flora, is an irrefutable fact that demands immediate attention.
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