Governance Policy
Editorial Team
The editorial team consists of the chief editors responsible for the administrative management of the journal, with responsibilities recorded in the regulations published on this website, which were approved by the editorial and scientific council.
Editorial Council
The Editorial Council consists of researchers, professors, teaching administrators, and academics from different national and international institutions, representing the scientific community. The council does not necessarily act collectively, nor are there regular meetings with specific agendas, and no formal link is established between council members and the legal entity responsible for publishing the journal.
The members are responsible for advising on the improvement of editorial policies, recommending reviewers, promoting the journal, considering strategies for action and innovation in the academic and professional fields, and handling ethical issues when necessary.
The Editorial Council does not interfere in the editorial process but can be convened by the scientific council for deliberations on strategic and/or operational matters. Its role is to maintain the scientific rigor and credibility of the journal.
Scientific Council
The Scientific Council consists of members from the scientific community, representing the areas in which this journal has influence, both from Brazil and abroad. Many members of this council are also part of the Editorial Council.
The aim is to foster the scientific rigor and credibility of the editorial process, which, consequently, guarantees the reliability of the publications. The council also commits to ethics and to meeting indexing criteria in reputable databases.
Members act individually and, if necessary, collectively to reflect on editorial policies and procedures.
The Scientific Council leads the committee and may request individual or collective contributions by calling a meeting. They may also request a meeting to discuss issues involving the structure and development of this journal. It is responsible for the technical and scientific editing of the journal, supported by a team for routine administrative matters involved in the editorial process, which is conducted electronically, making it an impersonal and transparent process as stated by the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.
The Scientific Council coordinates the actions of the Scientific Committee and works closely with the Editorial Council to reflect on strategic issues concerning the journal.
Review Council
The ad hoc Review Council is responsible for assessing the quality of articles within the guidelines of the journal, as agreed upon by the editors and other councils, always adhering to ethical and moral standards of transparency. RECINTER21 has scientific arbitration to ensure ethical standards. We seek the agreement of all parties involved in the editorial process, which include the Editors, Editorial Council, ad hoc Reviewers, and Authors, regarding good practices and ethical conduct. Our reference is the "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which requires reviewers to:
- Inform the Editors of their availability to review an article;
- Decline an invitation if they do not feel qualified to review based on the topic, if they recognize the authorship, and/or if there is a conflict of interest;
- Treat manuscripts as confidential documents, protect the intellectual property and rights of the authors, maintain confidentiality regarding the information, and commit not to use privileged information for personal benefit, including in their research and/or publications;
- Prepare their review based on good editorial practices concerning ethics, impartiality, and respect for human rights;
- Inform the Editors of any identification of violations of good practices, rights by authors, and/or plagiarism practices.
Copyright Statement
a) "WORK" - means intellectual literary material authored by the respective authors, such as articles/reviews/academic works/translations/images/videos/interviews/others, whose rights for commercialization (availability for access and consultation) belong to the AUTHOR, including all and any updates or new editions of existing works.
b) "DIGITAL CONTENT" - means all WORKS made available by the author and co-authors to the RECINTER21 journal, in an accessible format for electronic reading, which can be accessed through digital platforms or other available technology, and which will be made available by the AUTHOR to the RECINTER21 journal.
The author declares that they are the sole and exclusive owner of the property rights of the works that comprise all digital content submitted to the journal. The author also declares to possess all rights of commercialization, permission for temporary access, reproduction (in whole or in part), and the right to publish. The author grants the journal permission for access and/or sharing as digital content, in EPUB3, PDF, or any other technologically feasible format, for access by third parties for specific purposes. The author declares that, regarding the content, they have respected and complied with all copyright laws, as per Law No. 9.610/98.
- Repository - The author has the autonomy to make their article/copy available in any repository in PDF format with the RECINTER21 logo, e.g., posting the article published in ResearchGate or other repositories.
Upon Submission of Digital Content
The AUTHOR grants the journal an exclusive license to:
The submission of any DIGITAL CONTENT implies the complete AUTHORIZATION of copyright to the journal, allowing it to publish, display, provide temporary third-party access, and distribute content in any and all territories where the journal operates. The rights to provide access and consultation belong to the journal's website (the publication/distribution platform). RECINTER21 will have the right to index the journal in any national or international platform or directory without the need to inform or consult the authors.
All WORKS (articles, reviews, academic works, translations, images, videos, interviews, and others), whether in physical or digital format, are legally ceded by the authors upon submission on the journal's platform.
This AUTHORIZATION was provided upon registration and submission of the article by the author(s), accepting the copyright conditions set by the journal, which meet national and international standards for digital content dissemination.
It is explicit for all legal purposes that, by submitting this work, the author assumes full responsibility for its ideological and referential content, absolving the RECINTER21 journal of any consequences related to the submitted article/work. The author is aware that they may face civil and criminal liability in the case of proven plagiarism or any content leading to ideological or political issues.