This category of the journal, dedicated to Final Graduation Projects (TCC), provides readers the opportunity to publish their undergraduate, specialization, lato sensu postgraduate, and MBA projects, with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), offering a significant advantage in both academic and professional fields. The required formatting follows ABNT standards or Vancouver (for the Health field), in accordance with the journal's guidelines. Thus, the published TCC gains greater visibility, contributing to the dissemination of scientific information and knowledge to readers in Brazil and abroad.
The journal aims to promote and disseminate studies in the areas of Exact and Earth Sciences, Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering/Technology, supporting both teaching and research. RECINTER21 is based on interdisciplinary discussions that encompass social, environmental, technological, and sustainability issues, always connected to these areas of knowledge.
The integration of teaching and research within multidisciplinarity has long walked hand in hand, driving and debating scientific discoveries, whether theoretical or practical.